Quality Control Software

ISA provides image quality targets, software, and consulting to the digital image archiving community. Their products enable quality control for the digitization of both transmissive and reflective material—from books to historic maps to artwork, baseball cards and more.

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Image Analysis Software

GoldenThread is the product of years of research and development conducted for the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative (FADGI). Fully compliant with existing ISO standards, GoldenThread measures:

• Grayscale and Color Response

• Resolution, Sampling Frequency, and Spatial Frequency Response (SFR)

• White Balance

• Color Channel Registration

• Noise

• Color Encoding Accuracy

• Lighting Uniformity


ISA Software is designed to:

• Install easily with full supporting documentation

• Be user-friendly and robust for production operators

• Provide clear and immediate quality output to operators

• Run in manual or automatic (batch) mode for large jobs

• Provide data in formats demanded by engineers, quality control personnel and managers

GoldenThread™ software can accept images with either object or device-level targets in the image. Operators simply select a region around the target to start analysis. If targets are placed consistently, automatic mode can be used to process images without user input. Setting up test parameters and measurement aims is facilitated with a profile setup wizard to guide operators.

GoldenThread™ includes the most advanced methods to analyze the color accuracy of a system. This involves converting the captured RGB diital values from the scanner to L*a*b* and calculating the difference in color from the known L*a*b* using the “Delta E 2000” method.

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